Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Birthday Tarayven

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to TARAYVEN!
Happy birthday to YOU!

Eric and Darvon riding the Roller Coaster

Eric and Darvon test out Photo Booth on Matthew's Mac Laptop

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Flipping with Keelan

Keelan shows off flipping skills in the backyard of Kidz Express

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Sweet Life of Ukari

I am Ukari, I am 8 years old. My bestfriends are Marissa and Kiersha.I go to Goeger Lelend. My favorite subject in school is Math. I have a mom and a dad and three brothers. I have a grandmother and grandfather and one aunt. I love all of my family. My favorite thing to do at Kidz Express is Dance. I am apart of the dance class. My favorite song is One Love by Justin Beiber. My favorite sport is Basketball and i love playing it at Kidz Express.

Here at Kidz Express

Here at Kidz Express by Darvon and Eric

Man Man displaying his jump roping skills

Man Man back at it again showing off his jump roping talent.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Race Car Track

Man Man and his friends race around their cars through Kidz Express

My Life by Keelan

my name is keelan and I am 11 years old and I go to marconi school and my favorite colors are red and black. I Like to do flips and I Like to play pro streets: need for speed on my xbox 360. my favorite sports are basketball and football. my favorite food is chicken and my favorite restaurant is old country buffet. My hero is LeBron James. My favorite thing about Kidz Express is playing basketball during free time and going on the computers.